ホーム 企業理念







デジタル化が進み、コミュニケーションにインターネット(オンライン)が無くてはならなくなった現代において、一対一の『対話』はより重要視されるようになりました。ユーザーは、メディア、企業、製品・サービスに対して、One to oneのコミュニケーションをより強く求めています。これまでのように、”こんな人たち”に向けてではなく、”この人”のことを考えて行動しなくてはならない時代となったのです。





未来洞察 過去考察 ユーザー起点で、企業/製品/サービスのビジョンを示す 適切な物語(ストーリー)を見つける 物語る 受け手の物語(ナラティブ)が生まれる

小林 弘人

社会を変えるストーリーテリング代表取締役会長(CVO), FOUNDER 小林 弘人






インフォバーン代表取締役社長 田中 準也









代表取締役 会長(CVO) / FOUNDER

小林 弘人

2005年、経済産業省と内閣府によるコンテンツ政策委員を務める。2012年より、日本におけるオープン・イノベーションの啓蒙を行い、企業や自治体のDX(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション)やイノベーション推進支援を行う。2017年、ベルリンのテクノロジー・カンファレンス「Tech Open Air(TOA)」の日本公式パートナーとなり、企業内起業家などをネットワークしながら、毎年ベルリンへの視察を含むイノベーター創出プログラムを企画、実施している。
また、広島県サンドボックスの審査員を務めた後、同クロステックチャレンジにおいてブロックチェーンの社会実装をリードするプログラムを運営したほか、浜松市初の国際ハッカソン「ハママチューン」、長野県白馬村で毎年開催される循環型経済を軸にしたカンファレンス「GREEN WORK HAKUBA」などのコンセプト立案・運営に携わる。
著書に『After GAFA 分散化する世界の未来地図』(KADOKAWA)、『メディア化する企業はなぜ強いのか?』(技術評論社)、『ウェブとはすなわち現実世界の未来図である』(PHP新書)、監修・解説書に『フリー』『シェア』『パブリック』(すべてNHK出版)ほか多数。

・ビジネス・ブレークスルー大学 IT学科専任教授
・ビジネス・インサイダー・ジャパン 発行人
・Israeli Blockchain Association (イスラエル・ブロックチェーン協会)アドバイザリーボード
・長野県 信州ITバレー構想 アンバサダー
・法務省 島根あさひ社会復帰促進センター(PFI刑務所)次期事業者選定委員

In 1994, he founded Wired Japan magazine, of which he served as editor-in-chief. In 1998, he launched INFOBAHN, a company specializing in corporate digital communications. He also founded Gizmodo Japan and numerous other media, both print- and web-based, and published Japan’s first blog in book form, the bestselling Kawori Manabe: Just between You and Me, along with doing pioneering work in content marketing and owned media. In 2005, he served on the Content Policy Committee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Cabinet Office.

Since 2017, INFOBAHN has been the official Japanese partner of the Tech Open Air (TOA) technology conference in Berlin. He organizes and implements innovator creation programs, including annual trips to Berlin, while networking with in-house entrepreneurs and others.

He also served as a judge for the Hiroshima Prefecture Sandbox, ran a program to lead the social implementation of blockchain in the same Cross-Tech Challenge, and was involved in conceptualizing and running Hamamatsu City's first international hackathon "Hamamatune," an annual conference held in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture, centered on the circular economy, and the He has been involved in the conceptualization and operation of such events as "GREEN WORK HAKUBA," an annual conference held in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture, focusing on the circular economy.

In 2022, he planned and managed a conference, co-hosted by the Ministry of Justice and others, that aims to solve social issues through collaboration between public-private operated prisons (PFI prisons), businesses, and local communities. He is also active as a social incubator for solving social issues and creating new businesses through public-private collaboration between government and business.

His main published works are After GAFA: A Map of Tomorrow’s Decentralized World (Kadokawa), Rise of Corporate-Generated Media (Gijutsu Hyoron), and The Web as an Image of Society’s Future (PHP). He has also supervised and provided explanatory material for the Japanese editions of Free: The Future of a Radical Price, Share: What’s Mine is Yours, Public Parts (NHK Publishing) and numerous other books.

・Full-time professor in the IT Department, Business Breakthrough University
・Publisher of Business Insider Japan
・Israeli Blockchain Association Advisory Board member
・Nagano Information Technology Council ambassador
・Shimane Asahi Rehabilitation Program Center (PFI Prison), The Ministry of Justice in Japan, Selection Committee for the next project

代表取締役 社長

田中 準也


2022年に書籍『ガンダムでわかる現代ビジネス Gundam Meets Business』(共著/SBクリエイティブ)を上梓。

・Advertising Week Asia:アドバイザリーカウンシル

He started his career as a marketer at Credit Saison. After developing his career at marketing and ad agencies such as Jeki, Dentsu,Transcosmos, Metro Ad Agency, and Dentsu Razorfish, he joined INFOBAHN in 2015. He became a director in 2017, now he is CEO of the company.He is an expert in both mass media and digital communication, and specializes in comprehensive communication design across online and offline, as well as new business development and promotion.

In 2022, he published the book "Gundam Meets Business" (co-authored / SB Creative).

・Marketer Career Association : Executive Director
・Digital Maketing Institute : Executive board member
・Advertising Week Asia : Advisory Council
・Sanno University : Part-time lecturer

取締役 副社長 / 組織文化デザイン事業部 ゼネラルマネージャー

井登 友一

デザインコンサルティング企業においてUXデザインの専門事業立ち上げに参画後、2011年にインフォバーンに入社。京都支社長を務めるとともに、デザインストラテジストとして活躍。2016年よりUXデザイン/サービスデザインを中心としたイノベーションデザイン支援事業部門IDL[ INFOBAHN DESIGN LAB.](現・イノベーションデザイン事業部)を創設し、主管を務めたほか、2023年より「組織文化デザイン事業部」を立ち上げ、現在は同事業部のゼネラルマネージャーを兼務。


・日本プロジェクトマネジメント協会 認定プロジェクトマネジメントスペシャリスト(PMS)
・HCD-Net(人間中心設計推進機構) 副理事長
・京都女子大学 家政学部 生活造形学研究科 非常勤講師
・同志社女子大学 学芸学部 メディア創造学部 嘱託講師
・立命館大学 経営学部 非常勤講師
・京都大学 経営管理大学院 博士後期課程修了 博士(経営科学)

After a role in setting up a specialist UX design business within a Design and Consulting agency, he joined INFOBAHN Inc.in 2011. Since joining the company, he has served as the Kyoto Branch Office Manager as well as a design strategist, founded and served as the lead manager of the Innovation Design Support Business focusing on UX Design/Service Design since 2016, and launched the Organizational Culture Design Division in 2023, where he will serve as the General Manager.

・Project Management Association of Japan certified project management specialist (PMS)
・Director at HCD-Net (Human Centered Design Organization)
・Part-time lecturer at the Graduate School of Design,Department of Apparel and Space Design, Faculty of Home Economics, Kyoto Women’s University
・Part-time lecturer in the Department of Media, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts
・Part-time lecturer at Ritsumeikan University College of Business Administration
・Ph.D. in Management Science at the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University


小安 美和

東京外国語大学卒業後、日本経済新聞社入社。2005年リクルート入社。住宅、旅行領域のネットメディア開発、上海にてゼクシィのメディア開発を経て、人材領域のネットマーケティング部門・統括マネージャー、企画統括部長を経て2013年株式会社リクルートジョブズ執行役員 経営統括室長 兼 経営企画部長。2016年3月同社退社、2017年3月 株式会社Will Lab設立。岩手県釜石市、兵庫県豊岡市などで女性の雇用創出、人材育成等に関するアドバイザーを務めるほか、企業の女性リーダー育成に取り組んでいる。2019年8月より内閣府男女共同参画推進連携会議有識者議員。

After graduating from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, she joined the Nikkei Shimbun. In 2005, she joined Recruit, where she worked in net media development in the housing information and travel sectors and media development for Zexy in Shanghai, before becoming the HR Area Net Marketing Division General Manager, Planning Division Executive Manager, and then, in 2013, Executive Sales Management Director and Sales Planning Division Manager at Recruit Jobs Co., Ltd. After leaving Recruit in March 2016, she set up Will Lab Inc. in March 2017.She enthusiastically supports women business leaders and has worked in human resources development and job creation in Kamaishi (Iwate Prefecture) and Toyooka (Hyogo Prefecture). Since August 2019, she has served as an expert member of the Cabinet Office Gender Equality Promotion Committee.

執行役員 / コミュニケーションデザイン第1事業部 ゼネラルマネージャー

羽村 悠己


He worked in sales planning for a web development company, as a planner and director. He was involved in major Japanese companies’ websites, brand site updates, e-commerce, new community site . Since joining INFOBAHN as a planner in 2011, he has worked on company-owned media as a producer, planner and project manager.

執行役員 / コミュニケーションデザイン第2事業部 ゼネラルマネージャー

関本 美帆


After graduating from university, she worked at a publishing company as a magazine and catalog editor and in charge of e-commerce site operations before joining INFOBAHN in 2006. After working in the media division, she took charge of the communication design business, handling everything from strategic design to operation of owned media for major companies, whether BtoC or BtoB.

執行役員 / コミュニケーションデザイン第3事業部 ゼネラルマネージャー

上野 菜美子


She joined INFOBAHN in 2010 after working as a designer at a web production company. She is in charge of web media design for major Japanese companies, art direction for booklets and videos, and visual supervision for events organized by mediagene. She is involved in designing the consensus building process through communication with clients.

執行役員 / イノベーションデザイン事業部 ゼネラルマネージャー

辻村 和正

東京外国語大学卒業後、渡米し、南カリフォルニア建築大学大学院修了、建築学修士。国内外の建築デザインオフィス、デジタルプロダクションを経て、2014年にインフォバーンに入社。デザインリサーチを起点として、プロダクト・サービスデザイン、ビジョンデザインなど様々なプロジェクトをリード。主な受賞歴に、文化庁メディア芸術祭、ニューヨーク フィルム フェスティバルなどがある。東京大学大学院学際情報学府博士課程在籍。

Having graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, he completed graduate studies at SCI-Arc in Los Angeles, where he earned a Master of Architecture (M.Arch). After working for architectural design firms and a digital production in both domestic and overseas, he joined INFOBAHN, Inc. in 2014. Based on design research, he has led various projects across the areas of product, service and vision design. Major awards include the Japan Media Arts Festival and the New York Film Festival. He is currently pursuing doctoral study in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo.

執行役員 / コーポレートコミュニケーション部 ゼネラルマネージャー

杉浦 香


After editing movie guides, comics, books, subscription-only lifestyle magazines and other print media, she joined INFOBAHN in 2007. She is involved in PR and communication activities in various industries, from B2C to B2B. Applying the perspective and communication skills that she developed as an editor, she manages a broad area of planning and content development for both digital and non-digital channels. She has been in her current role since 2021.

フェロー イノベーションデザイン事業部 シニアマネージャー

木継 則幸

コミュニケーションデザイン領域を主軸にアートディレクターとして活動後、1998年にインフォバーン創業に参画。コンセプトメイクからクリエイティブディレクション、エクスペリエンスデザインまで、事業開発およびブランドコミュニケーションにおける一貫したプロセスデザインと実行を支援。NY ADC Award、文化庁メディア芸術祭等受賞多数。SFMoMA、Milano Salone、Tokyo Design Week等国内外で作品発表。サンフランシスコ近代美術館にパーマネントコレクションとして作品所蔵。

After working as an art director mainly in the communication design, he participated in the founding of INFOBAHN in 1998.

He now supports value creation in a variety of sectors through an integrated design process for business development and brand communication running from concept creation to creative direction and experience design. Recipient of the NY ADC Award, Japan Media Arts Festival award and many others. Exhibitor at SFMoMA, Milano Salone, Tokyo Design Week and other venues in Japan and abroad. His work features in the permanent collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.